Your 5 Best Tips for Maintaining Doilies  

by Kenny Wallace

Doilies are simply ornaments used in homes and outdoor environments to add on beauty and aesthetics. It takes much effort and time to make a doily, and it, therefore, needs proper care to enhance its durability. Below are five tips on how to care for your paper doilies so that you can enjoy and cherish them for a long time.

1. Dusting

Colored doilies, in particular, do not require regular washing as opposed to white doilies. Whenever you dust a room, it is vital to shake the doilies. It will help get the dust out of them. The more you do this, the less you will be compelled to wash them.

2. Clean or wash safely

Doilies are delicate. When washing, soak them in a mixture of lukewarm water and a gentle detergent. For best results, do not overdo the soap and avoid scrubbing the doily to prevent tear and overstretching the material.

3. Proper drying

After washing and rinsing the doily, do not wring it. It aids in maintaining the shape and avoid wearing off the fabric. To dry, all you need is to roll gently in a towel to absorb the remaining water. Next, lay your doily flat to receive sunlight. Do the same after a few minutes for the other side, if necessary.

4. Ironing

Just like we iron clothes, smoothen your doily out on an ironing board. But of course, remember to put a towel under the doily. Lightly spritz the doily with a spray bottle of clean water and start ironing when the iron is on the cotton setting.

Ensure you keep the doily symmetrical by ironing properly. To caution, and for best results, do not iron your doily from side to side or from the edges. Also, make sure you do the ironing gently and carefully to avoid catching the lace.

5. Proper storage

Now your doily is clean and ironed. Next, you want to keep it well if not in use at the moment. Your doily is cotton or paper made, remember. It, therefore, means the perfect environment is non-acidic or alkaline.

Ideally, place your doilies flat in a box lined with acid-free or buffered tissue. Such material is way easy to fold over the doilies. To make sure the doily doesn’t shift, put wadded tissue on top. And what if you do not want to store your doilies in a box but display them instead?

If displaying is your best option, do it on a frame. To ensure efficiency, do the following,

  • Remove the cardboard back from the frame.
  • Cover the doily with a piece of cloth or fabric.
  • Ensure you use a solid color instead of a pattern. It creates more attraction.
  • Using a spray adhesive, attach the fabric to your cardboard.
  • Use a pin or fabric glue to hold it in place.
  • Now position the doily where you desire.

Final thoughts

Everyone loves and cherishes their reputation in their work environments where doilies are often used, for instance, in restaurants. At home, not forgetting, you want to wow your visitors or even maintain hygiene and beauty. This is possible when your doilies are clean and well maintained. Do yourself a favor and embrace the tips shared above.

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